Lifting Up Parent Voices

At FamilyWise, we recognize that the perspectives of Minnesota parents are crucial for informing the work that we do. While we use proven, evidence-based practices, the specific circumstances and wisdom of each family and community dictate how we support them in achieving their goals. To ensure that we are lifting up the voices of families in our communities, last year we introduced a new Universal Participant Experience Survey with the goal of capturing participant perspectives on our programs and on the policy priorities that would improve the quality of their lives.  

About the Survey 

Because each of our programs is so unique, FamilyWise’s Data and Evaluation team partnered with program staff to develop tailored questions and individualized survey implementation strategies for each program. Over several months, we surveyed 124 participants across our Parent Support Services, Supervised Parenting, and First Step programs. We asked participants about the length and frequency of their involvement and their satisfaction with the program, including the physical environment and relationship with staff. The survey included questions to assess how empowered parents feel shaping their services and accessing community resources. We asked participants what they found most helpful and what they see as opportunities for improvement. We also asked participants what one policy change would have the biggest positive impact on their families’ lives. 

What We Learned 

The results have shed light on what is working for parents in our programs and ways we can better support families’ needs. We learned that participants appreciate and feel supported by our staff.  

  • 93% of respondents from our Parent Support Services programs reported feeling respected by staff.  
  • A participant in our Supervised Parenting program said “Staff does a great job of explaining what to expect. The space feels warm and friendly, and the staff clearly care about their roles and mission.”  
  • A participant in our Bright Beginnings program for young parents shared that she learned new skills from her involvement with the program, stating “I learn how to look for jobs and how to take care of myself.” 

Our value of family voice and choice was also reflected in survey responses. Approximately 90% of respondents reported that they are able to choose the direction of their goals and participation. 86% of participants agreed that they feel good about the progress they are making towards their goals and in building positive relationships with their children.  

Participants also shared opportunities for improving programs that are informing program changes so that we can better serve families. Feedback included:  

  • Increasing the length of supervised parenting visits 
  • Additional support with gas cards and transportation for parent support services participants 
  • More communication about developmental milestones in our First Step Program 

Informing Policy Priorities 

Survey results also highlight areas where the broader community and systems can better support families, which informs our agency’s policy priorities. Many families mentioned that one of the biggest challenges they face is with housing. Other policy priorities mentioned by participants included maintaining childcare assistance, systems reform in the child protection system, and assistance navigating the legal system. To learn more about policy issues affecting families, read our 2024 Family Wellbeing Index or hear report highlights by watching the recording of our most recent CEO Conversation 

By gathering the perspectives of participants, FamilyWise seeks to understand and advocate for the true needs of families and the levers that can improve family wellbeing. You can read more about our work and how we are lifting up parent voices in our newly published 2023 Annual Report.