Intended Audience:

Collaborative Coordinators in Phases 2 – 4; primary audience is Collaboratives that have recently trained ACE Interface presenters


This 45-minute Phase 2 session is designed for Collaboratives participating in More Resilient Minnesota who have trained, or plan on training, ACE Interface Presenters.  

The ACE Interface Presenter Trainings (Trainings) prepare Collaborative partners to present the ACE Interface Understanding Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs): Building Self-Healing Communities presentation, which is a curriculum designed to educate audiences about how adversity and trauma impact our biology as well as the health and well-being of our communities. ACE Interface Presenters serve as local champions who can help sustain and widely share this information across diverse sectors and community groups in a Collaborative’s area.   

At this session, we will review:  

  • Collaborative’s role supporting and engaging Presenters  
  • Practices that Collaboratives have done to engage and sustain involvement from Presenters over time  
  • FamilyWise Services supports that are available to Presenters after the Training  
  • General Q&A 

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