Bright Beginnings

Bright Beginnings: Support for Young Parents

Young parents need extra tools and resources to take care of their babies and themselves. As a steadying force and safety net, Bright Beginnings equips two generations at once, setting you and your kids up for long-term success.

"Because of the work I did with FamilyWise, I am trusting of people, I'm more confident, and I'm the best parent I can be." - Bright Beginnings participant Diamond, mother of Mason

Our Bright Beginnings Young Parent Program includes one-on-one support from FamilyWise staff, young parent education groups hosted at partner locations, and mentoring for pregnant and parenting youth and young adults. Across these services, young people are matched with caring, supportive adults that help youth build stability and resiliency as parents and in their lives more broadly.

Learn more by reading a story of a Bright Beginnings participant.

Do you know an adolescent in need of parenting support? Refer a young parent to Bright Beginnings.

Click here to download the referral form. If you have questions, contact the Bright Beginnings Coordinator.

Bertha Ashford

Bright Beginnings Coordinator


Interested in being a parent mentor?

Learn more about mentoring here. If you have any questions, contact our Mentor Specialist.

Would your organization like to host a support group for young parents?

Contact Parent Support Services Manager Brittany Seidel to talk about partnership opportunities. Note that some young parent support groups have been on hold due to COVID-19.

Brittany Seidel

Chief Program Officer
