Building Strategies for the Future
Over the past 48 years, FamilyWise has been committed to innovative solutions that support families. Since our 2020 merger with Minnesota Communities Caring for Children, a statewide leader in child abuse prevention, FamilyWise has been exploring how to grow into our statewide role to reach more families across Minnesota. This year we are excited to launch a new strategic plan that is the culmination of our visioning process.
The strategic plan was co-created with input from FamilyWise board members, staff, and strategic partners. With guidance from Strategic Consulting & Coaching, LLC, we looked at strengths and opportunities at all levels of the organization, created a vision for the future, and identified strategic priorities and actions that will move us toward that vision.
This month we’d like to start by sharing the strategic priorities from our 2024-2026 strategic plan:
- Implementing a statewide growth strategy
- Optimizing talent to support growth
- Maximizing partnerships
- Creating a brand identity
- Engaging in data-driven decision-making
- Strengthening a culture of reflection

Sally Wahman, FamilyWise Board Chair
“It’s been a thorough and exciting strategic development process,” shares FamilyWise Board Chair, Sally Wahman. “FamilyWise merged with MCCC in 2020 and the new plan is a great opportunity to set a clear direction for the integrated organization. The organization is strong with great expertise in creating supportive environments for Minnesota families. The strategic plan will be a guide for FamilyWise to expand its reach into the future.”
A good example of this is the forthcoming launch of the FamilyWise Training Institute, which will grow our statewide training offerings to include Wraparound training and credentialing. FamilyWise holds the highest credentialing in Wraparound in the state and last year began capacity-building training in greater Minnesota to make this holistic mental health case management approach accessible to more Minnesota families. Anna VonRueden, former Chief Program Officer, has moved into a new role of Chief Strategy Officer to oversee the growth of the Training Institute and Brittany Seidel, former Senior Director of Parent Support Services will now serve as FamilyWise’s Chief Program Officer.

Ann Gaasch, FamilyWise CEO
“As I’ve traveled throughout Minnesota and had the privilege of listening to parents, I am keenly aware that parenting continues to be challenging in the best of circumstances,” shares FamilyWise Chief Executive Officer, Ann Gaasch. “In this next chapter of our journey, I am excited that we will stand with parents and walk alongside families to honor their wisdom and to create supportive communities where children can thrive.”
Watch for announcements in March that formally launch our 2024-2026 strategic plan and our Training Institute. If you haven’t already, sign up for our monthly e-newsletter to have FamilyWise news and updates delivered to your inbox.