2022 Buron-Campbell Innovation Award
It was with great pleasure that FamilyWise presented our 2022 Buron-Campbell Innovation Award to Tickets for Kids!
The Buron-Campbell Innovation Award recognizes organizations that help young people faced with adversity build resilience so they can grow up to be healthy, successful adults. The award was created to honor Lou Buron and Mary Campbell of Omni Broadcasting for their long and outstanding commitment to the prevention of child abuse in Minnesota.
FamilyWise began our partnership with Tickets for Kids almost 5 years ago. Since that time, countless children and their families, caregivers, and mentors have enjoyed a variety of fun and educational outings thanks to the support of Tickets for Kids.
Many children and families that we serve are struggling with significant mental health issues, financial instability, and a lack of social connections and support. The opportunities that Tickets for Kids creates for families provides respite in the face of obstacles, and brings such joy. Seeing the smiling faces of our children and families at a baseball game, trampoline park, performance, zoo, or even learning to ski for the very first time, is a huge gift to our staff, too.
These activities are so much more than a fun time. They provide a release for parents, they offer their children joy and excitement, they are an opportunity for a mentor relationship to blossom, they allow children to find a new passion or interest, and they offer an opportunity to practice social skills and learn techniques for parenting in public spaces.
We know that we are just one Tickets for Kids partner, and that the impact we’ve seen extends to so many other families. Last year alone, Tickets for Kids reached over 28,000 Minnesotans with tickets. We are so grateful for their partnership, and we were happy to present them with the Buron-Campbell Innovation Award.