Understanding NEAR: Building Self-Healing Communities

Understanding NEAR: Building Self-Healing Communities

Since 2013, FamilyWise (formerly Minnesota Communities Caring for Children) has been training diverse individuals statewide as Presenters of the ACE Interface Curriculum -- Understanding NEAR: Building Self-Healing Communities.


The “Understanding NEAR: Building Self-Healing Communities” presentation covers topics including how our brain and behavior are impacted by our early experiences, research findings from the Adverse Childhood Experiences Study, and the many opportunities we have as individuals and collectively to foster resiliency and healing.

Minnesota was the first state in the nation to use this curriculum to build common understanding of Adverse Childhood Experiences and to catalyze community actions that address ACEs and build resilience. Using a train-the-trainer strategy, we are taking a public health approach to shifting the trajectory of health and wellbeing in our state. Our training approach and the curriculum materials are designed to have a multiplier effect that disseminates knowledge and practices rapidly and to a wide audience. When people better understand the problem of ACEs, they can begin to heal and disrupt cycles of violence, creating healthier individuals, families, and communities.

Today hundreds of Minnesotans have been trained to raise awareness in their communities and tens of thousands of individuals have attended a presentation.

Want to be trained as a presenter?

Capacity is limited. Click below to fill out the interest form and to learn more.

Want to host an Understanding NEAR: Building Self-Healing Communities presentation? Contact our Senior Director of Prevention Initiatives.

Emily Clary

Senior Director of Prevention Initiatives
