Aubrey Ripken

Aubrey Ripken has experience as both a coach and High-Fidelity Wraparound facilitator. She has a background serving adults with various disabilities, as well as Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) Committees. Aubrey is also a certified trauma-informed supports practice trainer. She describes her training style as individualized, as she is willing to meet people where they are at in terms of learning and communication styles. Aubrey is a very “hands on” trainer and works to help people develop soft skills in their line of work.

Aubrey supports our Wraparound training in Tribal Nations here at FamilyWise, where she has a specific interest due to her Indigenous background. In addition, Aubrey values and appreciates art of all kinds and likes to implement this in her work with youth and families, as well as in her personal life.

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