More Resilient Minnesota: Phase 2

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Phase 2: Regional ACE Interface Presenter Training

In Phase 2, FamilyWise Services will offer Regional ACE Interface Presenter Trainings to Collaboratives participating in More Resilient Minnesota and train local Collaborative partners to deliver the Understanding ACEs presentation. Training local presenters is a key way to build community capacity, reach diverse community sectors, and expand community leadership. This approach also expedites awareness and understanding of ACEs and resilience research at the local level. Sharing this knowledge across a community was found to be a foundational step that helped achieve tremendously positive outcomes for children, youth, and families in other communities across the nation.


The ACE Interface Presenter Trainings prepare Collaborative partners to offer the Understanding ACEs Presentation in their own communities. ACE Interface Presenters serve as local champions who can help sustain and widely share ACEs and NEAR Science information across diverse sectors and community groups in their Collaboratives’ areas.

FamilyWise will follow up with Collaborative Coordinators after their initial Phase 1 presentations to explore readiness to move to Phase 2 and train local partners at an upcoming Regional ACE Interface Presenter Training. FamilyWise Services is licensed through ACE Interface, LLC to train people to present the Understanding ACEs: Building Self-Healing Communities curriculum in Minnesota.

Once Collaborative partners are trained, FamilyWise will provide ongoing supports to their presenters toward completing ACE Interface Presenter certification and beyond. These supports include quarterly presenter newsletters, access to the Slack Presenter Network Channel, presenter refresher workshops, community resilience workshops, one-on-one consults with FamilyWise staff, and more!

Collaboratives are encouraged to recruit local partners who represent a diversity of sectors and community groups to ensure that awareness efforts and presentations are not concentrated in only one sector or community group.

After attending a Regional ACE Interface Presenter Training, presenters are expected to complete ACE Interface Presenter certification within 9 months (or they will be asked to stop using the curriculum). Certification requirements for ACE Interface Presenters can be found here.

Presenters can also support the Collaborative’s ongoing community-based planning, shared learning, community engagement efforts, and the development of Community Resilience Plans during future phases of More Resilient Minnesota.

Collaboratives will be asked to recruit, screen, and select a minimum of 3 – 5 local partners to be trained at a Regional ACE Interface Presenter Training to deliver the Understanding ACEs presentation. Collaboratives are encouraged to recruit potential presenters who will be engaged in Collaboratives’ efforts for at least 1 – 2 years, since a key purpose of this training is to use the Understanding ACEs presentation as a way for broadening awareness and understanding about ACEs and resilience research widely across a community.

Once local partners have been trained, Collaboratives are expected to convene and support their local presenters, and check in with them at least twice per year to connect them with priority Collaborative audiences for presentations, see if they need support to complete certification, and more.

Regional ACE Interface Presenter Trainings consist of two 8-hour training days. Usually the training is offered virtually; although it may occasionally occur in person if there is enough interest in a Collaborative region. These regional trainings are offered twice per year to Collaboratives — approximately every 6 months (in the spring and fall of each year).

FamilyWise Services will notify all Collaborative Coordinators of Collaboratives active in More Resilient Minnesota when recruitment will begin for the next Regional ACE Interface Presenter Training. Collaboratives can also contact their Regional FamilyWise Services staff person to check on the dates for the next upcoming presenter training.

There are 30 spots available at each Regional ACE Interface Presenter Training. A Collaborative can select up to 5 local partners to be trained at each Regional ACE Interface Presenter Training (space permitting). The participant spots will be filled on a rolling basis until the training is full, so Collaboratives are encouraged to submit their selected participant lists as soon as they are able in order to secure space in the training for their local partners.

Once the application deadline closes, any spots that have not been allocated will be filled with participants on the waiting list on a first come, first served basis. Once trained, these Collaborative presenters can support their Collaboratives’ ongoing community-based planning and help create Community Resilience Plans during Phase 3.

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