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Events in March 2025
March 4, 2025 (1 event)
March 4, 2025Intended Audience:
Collaborative Coordinators
Join us for a VIRTUAL Understanding Adverse Childhood Experiences: Building Self-Healing Communities Presentation!
Addressing intergenerational and historical trauma, promoting healing and protective factors, and reducing adversity in future generations will require the involvement of many creative, collaborative, and passionate people.
The goal of the Understanding ACEs: Building Self-Healing Communities presentation is to offer a common language and understanding of core concepts from the fields of neurobiology, epigenetics, epidemiology (ACEs), and resilience research. You will also have time to discuss your ideas on how this information can be applied to your sphere of influence in your work, family life and community.
This presentation will be shared in three sections:
- Neurobiology & Epigenetics focuses on how our brains adapt to our environment during childhood & some basic concepts about related to how toxic stress can impact healthy development
- Key Findings from the Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) study highlights some of the data from the original ACE study
- Resilience provides a framework for thinking about resilience, and focuses primarily on attachment & belonging, supporting individual capabilities, culture, community, and spirituality as key protective systems
Questions? Contact NEAR@familywiseservices.org
Register Here
March 5, 2025 (1 event)
March 5, 2025Intended Audience:
Individuals interested in applying for an ACE Interface Presenter Training through a local Collaborative
This 45-minute Phase 2 session is designed for Collaborative partners and community members who are interested in attending an ACE Interface Presenter Training (Training) to learn more about the opportunity. The Training prepares Collaborative partners to present the ACE Interface Understanding Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs): Building Self-Healing Communities presentation, which is a curriculum designed to educate audiences about how adversity and trauma impact our biology as well as the health and well-being of our communities. ACE Interface Presenters (Presenters) serve as local champions who can help sustain and widely share this information across diverse sectors and community groups in a Collaborative’s area.
At this session, we will review:
- Purpose of the ACE Interface Presenter Training
- Training format
- Certification process and Presenter responsibilities
- FamilyWise Services supports that are available to Presenters after the Training
- General Q&A
Register Here
March 6, 2025 (1 event)
March 6, 2025Intended Audience:
Certified ACE Interface Presenters
Registration link to come
March 13, 2025 (1 event)
March 13, 2025Description:
This virtual discussion will be facilitated by FamilyWise staff, and will focus on some of the key themes that were highlighted in the Broken Places documentary. The Broken Places documentary explores why some children are severely impacted by early adversity while others are able to thrive. By revisiting some of the children who experienced abuse and neglect that directors profiled decades ago, they were able to dramatically illustrate how early trauma shaped their lives as adults. Broken Places interweaves these longitudinal narratives with commentary from a few nationally renowned experts to help viewers better understand the devastating impact of childhood adversity as well as the inspiring characteristics of resilience. Registered participants will receive access to view the documentary virtually a week prior to the discussion.
Via Zoom
Register Here