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March 4, 2025

March 4, 2025

Intended Audience:

Collaborative Coordinators


Join us for a VIRTUAL Understanding Adverse Childhood Experiences: Building Self-Healing Communities Presentation!

Addressing intergenerational and historical trauma, promoting healing and protective factors, and reducing adversity in future generations will require the involvement of many creative, collaborative, and passionate people.

The goal of the Understanding ACEs: Building Self-Healing Communities presentation is to offer a common language and understanding of core concepts from the fields of neurobiology, epigenetics, epidemiology (ACEs), and resilience research. You will also have time to discuss your ideas on how this information can be applied to your sphere of influence in your work, family life and community.

This presentation will be shared in three sections:

  1. Neurobiology & Epigenetics focuses on how our brains adapt to our environment during childhood & some basic concepts about related to how toxic stress can impact healthy development
  2. Key Findings from the Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) study highlights some of the data from the original ACE study
  3. Resilience provides a framework for thinking about resilience, and focuses primarily on attachment & belonging, supporting individual capabilities, culture, community, and spirituality as key protective systems

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