Circle of Parents Training Opportunities

Circle of Parents Training Opportunities

Are you interested in leading a Circle of Parents group?

FamilyWise provides all the training you need to get started and offers successful support groups. Using hands-on activities, discussion, resources, and covering a range of key topics, our training gives you the tools to lead.

Begin by downloading the Circle of Parents Orientation materials and watch the video provided here:









Circle of Parents Networking Opportunities: 

FamilyWise offers quarterly statewide networking opportunities to connect with other Circle of Parents contacts, facilitators, and volunteers to enhance your local support groups.  Engaging discussions share best practice ideas, troubleshoot problem areas, training needs and/or opportunities, marketing, referral sources, and resources.

Establishing a Circle of Parents Children’s Group: 

An integral part of Circle of Parents, children’s groups provide developmentally appropriate skill-building activities that increase children’s confidence, self-worth, and social skills. Volunteers provide opportunities for children to enhance their self-esteem, and learn non-violent problem-solving and conflict resolution through developmental cooperation. Children’s groups provide an additional incentive for parents to attend Circle of Parents meetings.

Facilitation Skills – Part 1: 

Using our new online training system, you can work through each section at your own pace. Training sections include creating a safe, supportive, and welcoming space for learning; basic skills of facilitating peer-led, mutual self-help Circle of Parents groups; and focus on shared leadership and family support while ensuring the safety of children. Protective factors are supported naturally through co-learning and empowered leadership. This opportunity is perfect for new facilitators and as a refresher course for current facilitators. Registration is required and Social Work CEUs are available. Register here:

Facilitation Skills – Part 2: 

This is the final step in becoming certified to facilitate a Circle of Parents group. During this in-person session, we will review the strength-based facilitation model, create a safe/supportive group environment, and continue building resiliency. You will also complete/submit the necessary background check paperwork and receive access to the Circle of Parents Facilitation Portal and password. This is a great opportunity to ask questions, practice your skills, and gain confidence before facilitating groups. Session will be up to 2 hours and held each quarter. You will be provided the link to sign up for Part 2 of the training at the completion of Part 1.

Click here for our Circle of Parents Training Flyer, registration, and additional information.


View the Circle of Parents Portal