Lisa Deputie
Director of Prevention Initiatives - Twin Cities Metro
Lisa Deputie has been working at FamilyWise Services/ MCCC since 2014. As the Director of Prevention Initiatives for the Metro Area, Lisa builds relationships with other agencies, organizations, and systems to assist in efforts to stop child abuse and neglect before it starts. Lisa has worked as a member of FamilyWise/MCCC’S Public Policy Committee and The Children’s Justice Initiative (CJI) and she is very passionate about working with systems to create fair and equitable systems change. Before she joined MCCC’s staff, Lisa was a participant in MCCC’s Parent Leadership for Child Safety and Permanency (PLCSP) Team and a contracted partner. She cares about parents’ rights and building communities and raises her voice to help underserved and unprivileged communities thrive by holding systems accountable for creating safe environments for all. Lisa has also mentored.