Supervised Parenting

Supervised Parenting Time

Supervised parenting allows families to rebuild and strengthen relationships in a safe, confidential, and observed environment.

FamilyWise’s supervised parenting services allow parents and their children the time and space to connect. Sessions take place at FamilyWise’s parenting time centers or in the community. FamilyWise provides family-friendly facilities, families may have access to a kitchen, private rooms, an outdoor play area, and toys and games. To maximize safety, we have one location with separate entrances for each parent and both locations have staggered times of arrival and departure.

Supervised Parenting Services

  • Community Based ($100 per hour): One-to-One supervision is provided at a community location such as the parents’ home, a community center or library. These visits allow families to spend time together in a more natural environment. Both parties must agree on a community location, or the court order must state the community location where visits will take place. Community locations must be within 15 miles of FamilyWise’s Minneapolis office.
  • One-on-One ($75 per hour): Individual session. One parenting time monitor is present throughout the session and may provide parent coaching. Usually takes place in a private room. The monitor documents each visit.
  • Group ($45 per hour): The session occurs in a semi-private space with one parenting time monitor for two families. Staff document each session.
  • Transitional ($23 per hour): Families may be in a private or semi-private space with a shared monitor who provides check-ins every 15 minutes. Documentation will reflect the 15-minute check-ins.

Note: Supervised Parenting and Safe Exchange registration fees for crime victims are covered by a grant from the Office of Justice Programs

Safe Exchange Services

Car-to-car exchanges for parents seeking to exchange children from one parent to the other.  Each parent is assigned a parking lot in which to wait. Staff will greet parents and their child(ren) and walk the child(ren) safely to the other parent.  $20.00 per one way exchange.  $40.00 for a two-way exchange.


Find the enrollment form you need here.

Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to your questions about supervised parenting costs, activities available during visits, and more.

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Still have questions or need more info? Fill out our form and we’ll be in touch.

Mara Novillo

Supervised Parenting Manager