ClientTrack Learning Center

ClientTrack Learning Center: Training Videos & Quizzes

Welcome to FamilyWise from the Data and Evaluation team! In the following videos you’ll learn all about our agency database ClientTrack, an all-in-one case management tool which helps us provide top-tier services to our participants. Each training module contains a training video and a quiz to help the Data and Evaluation team gauge your understanding of the content. After each video, be sure to complete the mandatory quiz for the given module.

ClientTrack Testing Site

Required ClientTrack Training for All FamilyWise Staff

These four foundational modules are intended for anyone working in our database. This includes staff, managers, volunteers, interns, and members of the admin team.  

26 minutes long (combined total viewing length of 4 video modules) 

  • Module 1: ClientTrack 101 & FAQs
  • Module 2: Data Security Basics
  • Module 3: Data and Evaluation Policies and Procedures
  • Module 4: ClientTrack Essentials, Logging in and Navigation 

Additional ClientTrack Training Modules

These modules dive into specific functions of ClientTrack, and will help you work confidently and efficiently in our database. Please check in with your manager if you have any additional questions about which modules you need to complete, and feel free to explore other modules once you’ve completed your required content. 

  • Module 5: Intake and Enrollment 
  • Module 6: Exit, Goals, and Exit Reasons 
  • Module 7: Entering Services 
  • Module 8: Services Authorizations
  • Module 9: Entering Case Notes 
  • Module 10: Client Files 
  • Module 11: Program Roster 
  • Module 12: Supervised Parenting
  • Module 13: Bright Beginnings Group Attendance
  • Module 14: Standard Reports
  • Module 15: Adding Family Members to Enrollment

In this module, we’ll give you an overview of what ClientTrack is, why it’s important, and answer some questions you may have about our agency database. 

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Total length: 6:09 


In this module, we’ll review some critical information about data security as well as simple steps you can take to keep client data secure. 

Take the Quiz

Total length: 2:12 

In this module, we’ll review data-related roles and responsibilities at FamilyWise, and give you some important information about who to contact for different issues you may have related to ClientTrack. 

Take the Quiz

Total length: 2:41 

In this module, we’ll review some foundational information about ClientTrack itself, including an overview of some of the most commonly used functions, forms and menus in our agency database. 

Take the Quiz

Total length: 14:40 

In this module, we’ll be covering intake and enrollment for both new and existing participants. 

Take the Quiz

Total length: 12:30

In this module we’ll review an exit workflow and the different steps to keep in mind when you’re closing out a participant in ClientTrack.  

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Total length: 7:52 

In this module, we’ll be talking about all things related to services, including why they’re important and how to enter services. 

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Total length: 6:49 

In this module, we’ll review everything you need to know about service authorizations in ClientTrack, including how to enter them as well as some common mistakes to avoid. 

Take the Quiz

Total length: 5:29 

In this module, we’ll give you an overview of how to record Case Notes in ClientTrack. 

Take the Quiz

Total length: 4:31 

In this module, we’ll review where Client Files are located in ClientTrack as well as how to upload documents using Client Files. 

Take the Quiz

Total length: 1:31 

In this module, we’ll give you an overview of the Program Roster tool in ClientTrack, and explain how it can help you do your job more effectively. 

Take the Quiz

Total length: 4:45 

In this module, Supervised Parenting Monitors will review everything you need to know in order to effectively use our database, including entering services and uploading case notes.

Take the Quiz

Total length: 11:06

In this video, we’ll give you an overview of how to use the BB Group Attendance form in ClientTrack. 

Take the Quiz

Total length: 2:17 

In this video, we’ll give you an overview of what Standard Reports are and why they’re useful. 

Take the Quiz

Total length: 6:55 

In this video we’ll cover the steps you need to complete in order to add a family member to both a client’s family as well as their program enrollment. 

Take the Quiz

Total length: 5:54