More Resilient Minnesota

More Resilient Minnesota - Overview


More Resilient Minnesota seeks to improve the health and resilience of current and future generations. Resilience includes individuals’ inherent strengths and nurtured capacities as well as the resources and supports of their families, communities, and cultures.

Following the Self-Healing Communities approach, Children’s Mental Health and Family Services Collaboratives educate their communities about neurobiology, epigenetics, ACEs, and resilience research (NEAR Science) and train local presenters to share this information widely throughout their communities.

Collaboratives then move from awareness of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) to action. They engage and gather input from a diverse representation of community members in their areas through Community Resilience Conversations with groups of people and/or 100 Cups of Coffee Interviews with individuals. This community wisdom and local data guide Collaboratives as they develop Community Resilience Plans.

Collaboratives will then have the opportunity to pilot Community Resilience Initiatives outlined in their Community Resilience Plans and also use those plans to leverage funding and provide strategic direction for their activities.

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Stevens County Family Services Collaborative –
One Community’s Story: Making Connections & Building Bridges


A primary focus of More Resilient Minnesota is to support the capacity of Collaboratives to adopt the Self-Healing Communities approach. This approach, developed by Dr. Robert Anda, Dr. Kimberly Martin, and Laura Porter, provides a process for communities to build their capacity to define and solve problems that impact the intergenerational health and wellbeing of community members, and ultimately make dramatic reductions in their rates of health issues and social problems. For more information, check out the Self-Healing Communities report on the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation website.

In July 2017, state funding built into the base funding for children’s mental health grants began supporting implementation of this ambitious initiative. The Minnesota Department of Human Services contracts with FamilyWise Services to partner alongside Children’s Mental Health and Family Services Collaboratives to fulfill the four phases of More Resilient Minnesota. This contract is currently funded through June 30th, 2027

Get Involved with More Resilient Minnesota

Learn more about More Resilient Minnesota, including currently participating Collaboratives’ counties and how to apply.


Learn about each phase of More Resilient Minnesota in greater depth.

Learning Resources

Access past webinars and related resources that provide information about Self-Healing Communities, NEAR Science, and community resiliency planning approaches.

Collaborative Coordinator Portal

This site provides information to support your work as a Collaborative Coordinator. You will find here a variety of resources related to Children’s Mental Health and Family Services Collaboratives.

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Collaborative Highlights

Collaborative Highlights – Crow Wing Energized

Crow Wing Energized is a community grassroots movement that was formed in 2013 as a united approach to improving health …

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Collaborative Highlights – Anoka County Children & Family Council (ACCFC)

In partnership with Bilal Oromo Dawa Center (BODC), Oromo Resource Center of Minnesota (ORC), and Allina Health, ACCFC’s Community Resilience …

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A partnership between the Minnesota Department of Human Services and FamilyWise.

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