Intended Audience:

Collaborative Coordinators


This 45-minute Phase 1 session is designed for Collaborative Coordinators participating in More Resilient Minnesota who would like to learn more about the planning steps for scheduling and hosting Understanding ACEs: Building Self-Healing Communities presentations (Presentations) in their Collaboratives’ communities.

Through More Resilient Minnesota, Collaboratives are eligible to host up to 5 Presentations at NO COST. These Presentations can be offered in partnership with local Collaborative partners. The coordination and scheduling do not need to be managed directly by the Collaborative Coordinator.

The 2-3-hour Presentation is designed to educate audiences about NEAR Science, which stands for Neurobiology, Epigenetics, Adverse Childhood Experiences, and Resilience. NEAR Science helps us understand how adversity and trauma impact our biology as well as the health and well-being of our communities. The Presentation offers a message of hope and introduces a process that communities have used to build their capacity to: prevent Adverse Childhood Experiences (or ACEs), support those who have experienced toxic stress, and build new cultural norms that are more inclusive, culturally-responsive, and healing-centered.

At this session, we will review:

  • Purpose of the Understanding ACEs: Building Self-Healing Communities presentation
  • Scheduling and planning steps for hosting a Presentation
  • General Q&A

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